Saturday, 5 October 2013

Done and Dusted!!

After my 7th place at the Johnson Health Tech Womens Westminster GP my feelings were of happiness, a little frustration but most of all, relief.
Experiencing a fast start and riders dropping likes flies the frustration came at the end of the race, fluffing up my final sprint, kicking up to 3rd/4th spot before leaving it too late to kick again. Doh! Jumping in a few breaks proved unsuccessful earlier on in the race so I made the decision part way through that I'd leave it to the sprint as I was a lone but monitored rider. Watching the replay on the TV made me even more aware of my mistakes, like I was watching it in slow motion, when actually the sprint won comfortably by Hannah Barnes was over in seconds! On the day, seventh was still something to be proud of but evidently my competitive mind can't help but always tick over ;)
As the minutes and hours passed by after my race in London, the emotion of relief settled in. Knowing that my final race of the season was complete, my mind and body could relax. Constant prepping, travelling, psyching up and racing takes its toll and only becomes apparent when the chance is given to step back. This is that time and being the lively, outgoing person I am, I shall embrace it. Time will be spent with my family and friends that I so often neglect through the racing season. No doubt I'll be back on the blog soon with some news that may be rather interesting :D

Laters Alligators.

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